Задания для 11 класса

11 class Unit 1 sections 2-3
Globalization/ globalization process
Global language/ global monoculture/ global warming
Globalists/ anti-globalists movement
Fragile/ Our world are very fragile.
Diversity/ language diversity/ biodiversity
Endangered/ endangered culture/ endangered animals
Prevent/ to prevent the loss of unique ecosystem
Deteriorate/ deterioration
Advocate/ protect
Impose/  impose a kind of monoculture
Indigenous/ indigenous people
Right/ human rights violation/ equal rights
decent/ People have the right to decent standard of living.
uphold/ The government must uphold your rights.
Multinational corporations
The loss of  language diversity will be catastrophic for humanity.
Our world are extremely fragile/ Globalization lead on to vanish of biodiversity and damaging unique ecosystem.
The spread of multinational industrialization cause many problem: environmental problems, human rights violation, deterioration of a living standard for indigenous people
Глобализация – это развитие единой экономики и культуры и, как результат, развитие больших мультинациональных корпораций.
Существует мнение, что большие компании разрушают экономику и культуру малых народов.
Глобалисты считают, что мировая торговля делает всех богаче, а общение между людьми проще.
Антиглобалисты утверждают, что процессы глобализации ведут к исчезновению культурного и языкового разнообразия.
Каждый человек имеет право быть защищённым от любых форм насилия.
Каждый человек имеет право изучать свою культуру и родной язык.
Дети имеют право на образование.

This is the part of a letter from an English speaking friend. Write back to Jake answering his questions. Write 100-140 words

I am a very shy person. Usually I feel fear of public speaking or reading. So, I don’t like German classes because the teacher wants me to speak German publicly. I can’t do it. But this year I am going to enter the University and knowledge of foreign languages is the necessity. Unfortunately, I am not succeeded in them. Could you give me some advice what should I do to improve it. Write to me. 
And what about you: what exams do you have? How was your holiday?
By the way, I spent the whole summer with horses. My uncle works on a farm, so he allowed me to help him.


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